This topic focuses on the aims and operation of economic policies in the Australian economy and hypothetical situations.
Outcomes A student: H1 demonstrates understanding of economic terms, concepts and relationships H2 analyses the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions and governments H5 discusses alternative policy options for dealing with problems and issues in contemporary and hypothetical contexts H6 analyses the impact of economic policies in theoretical and contemporary Australian contexts H7 evaluates the consequences of contemporary economic problems and issues on individuals, firms and governments H9 selects and organises information from a variety of sources for relevance and reliability H10 communicates economic information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms H11 applies mathematical concepts in economic contexts H12 works independently and in groups to achieve appropriate goals in set timelines.
Students learn to: Examine economic issues
analyse the opportunity cost of government decisions in addressing specific economic problems or issues
investigate structural changes in the Australian economy resulting from microeconomic policies
apply economic theory to explain how a government could address an economic problem or issue in hypothetical situations
analyse alternative ways to finance a budget deficit
Apply economic skills
explain how governments are restricted in their ability to simultaneously achieve economic objectives
use (simple) multiplier analysis to explain how governments can solve economic problems
identify limitations of the effectiveness of economic policies
explain the impact of key economic policies on an economy
propose and evaluate alternative policies to address an economic problem in hypothetical and the contemporary Australian contexts
explain, using economic theory, the general effects of macroeconomic and microeconomic policies on an economy
select an appropriate policy mix to address a specific economic problem.
Students learn about: Economic objectives in relation to:
economic growth and quality of life
full employment
price stability
external stability
environmental sustainability
distribution of income
Potential conflicts among objectives Macroeconomic policies
rationale for macroeconomic policies – stabilisation and shifts in aggregate demand Fiscal policy
Federal Government budgets and budget outcomes
effects of budgetary changes on resource use, income distribution and economic activity
methods of financing deficits
use of a surplus Monetary policy
purpose of monetary policy
implementation of monetary policy by the Reserve Bank of Australia
impact of changes in interest rates on economic activity and the exchange rate Microeconomic policies
rationale for microeconomic policies including shifts in aggregate supply, efficiency
effects of microeconomic policies on individual product and factor markets, individual industries and the economy
regulation and deregulation – competition policy
Labour market policies
role of national and state systems
the national system for determining
– minimum employment standards – minimum wages – awards – enterprise agreements –employment contracts for high income earners dispute resolution
arguments for and against the use of centralised, decentralised and individualised methods of determining employment contracts
education, training and employment programs
National and global context for environmental management
market-based policies
international agreements
Limitations of economic policies
time lags
global influences
political constraints
Policy responses and their effects in dealing with the economic objectives