This is the context of the 2022 jobs and skills summit: a nation that has lost faith in the economic status quo looking for its elected representatives to chart a better path forward that puts more agency back in the collective.
Rising wages are no longer the burning platform they were in 1983. It’s the lack thereof and the flow-on effects of an economy increasingly out of whack with the needs or aspirations of its most important input: the worker.
Right now, many of these workers are struggling with flatlining wages, job insecurity, rising cost of living and interest rates. Key industries that stepped up during the pandemic are now facing crippling labour market shortages, a direct result of their failure to build attractive careers and invest in the training required.
The virus challenged the way the workers had been devalued over decades of economic freedom, with a clear disconnect between the contribution they provide the community and the diminishing value the economic system places on them.
-Peter Lewis, The Guardian, 23 August 2022
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